Step 1: Find the Payburner Payment Gateway in Wordpress Plugins
Step 2: Click on Install Now
Step 3: Click on Activate
You should now see the plugin installed
Step 4: Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Payments
Find the Payburner gateway and click on Manage
Step 5: Setup
- Click on Enable XRP Payments
- Copy Paste the Payburner Button Id from the Paybutton Manager in your Payburner extension
- Click on Save changes
Congratulations you are ready to start accepting XRP!
Step 6: Verify
Go into your site, add something to your cart, and then navigate to checkout.
You should see the Payburner section at the bottom.
Note the following:
- When a user clicks on the Pay Button the browser extension will automatically submit the payment.
- You will not be able to make a payment yourself. The XRP ledger does not allow sending payments to yourself.
- The button will be enabled once all of the required fields have been filled.
When a user has succesfully made a payment. You will see it in your WooCommerce orders.
Note the following:
- If for any reason you wish to refund the payment, you can do so easily by copying the `paybutton_purchase_reference`, finding the Payment in your Pay Button Manager in your browser extension and clicking refund.